How a City of 100k Revolutionized its Street Light Management


Effective management of public infrastructure is critical for any city to thrive. However, tracking the status of hundreds or thousands of assets can be a daunting task. That's where GeoTagIQ comes in. In this success story, we'll show you how a medium-sized city used our product to revolutionize its street light management.



A city of 137,000 inhabitants was struggling to keep track of its street lights. The old system involved manual tracking of pole and light locations, which resulted in incomplete and inaccurate data. This made it difficult to know which lights were functioning correctly and which needed maintenance, resulting in longer repair times and higher costs.


The city decided to implement a solution supported by GeoTagIQ, which offered them an easy and efficient way to track the poles and lights. The city staff was able to attach a unique QR code to each pole and street light.

Once they scan the barcode locations, they could use GeoTagIQ's geolocation tracking system to track each pole and its associated street lights on a map.




The implementation of GeoTagIQ was seamless thanks to the support of our team. Our team worked closely with the city's staff to ensure a smooth transition, provide training on how to use the system effectively and identify saving opportunities. 

For example, one requirement of the city administrators was the ability to see the overall status of the city street lights in a single dashboard. With our Street Lighting Management (SLM) integrated on top of GeoTagIQ, the city operators can see in a nutshell the number of street lights that are in good health, those that are in need of repair and those that are failing. 


After implementing GeoTagIQ, the city saw a significant improvement in their operations and finances. They were able to quickly identify and address any issues, resulting in faster repair times and lower costs. Additionally, the city was able to save time and resources by automating the tracking process, which allowed them to focus on other critical infrastructure projects. Furthermore, by having an estimate of the energy consumption, the city was able to better plan and predict future use.


GeoTagIQ offers a cost-effective solution for any city looking to improve its asset management. By implementing our product, cities can save time and resources while ensuring the proper functioning of public infrastructure. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your city revolutionize its asset management.

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